Mosaic Installation
Thank you for acquiring Mosaic for the Amiga. We hope, but do
not promise that it will give you years of dependable service.
Required Software
This section lists all the programs, files, etc. you need to
have installed before you can install Amiga Mosaic. Please go through it
thoroughly before you begin.
Packing List
The Amiga Mosaic 1.2 distribution consists of the following files:
The main executable - make sure that you choose the version
compatible with your networking software, or the DNet version if
you have no network connection and will be using it to browse local
hypermedia files only.
The drawer ENVARC whose contents belong in ENV: and ENVARC: (copy
the contents to both, for preferences and setup information).
The drawer REXX for mod player and .au player scripts. Copy to Rexx:.
Easy Step by Step Installation Instructions
Extract the distribution archive.
Move the main executable (if necessary) to wherever you like.
Check the ENVARC/mailcap file to make sure it is set up correctly
for your system. In particular, if you will run AMosaic on a
public screen, change the PUBSCREEN argument after the
multiview calls to reflect this.
Copy the contents of the ENVARC drawer to the ENVARC: and ENV:
directories. If you ran an old version of AMosaic, you can
remove the .mailcap and .mime.types files from your S: directory.
They are superceded by these files.
Copy the contents of the REXX drawer to your REXX: directory.
You may edit these files to support other
mod players and sound players, but at your own risk. Other such
scripts may be written and made accessible by refering to them on
the env:Mosaic/mailcap file.
If you have an NNTP server you can connect to to read news, set the
environment variable NNTPSERVER to your server's IP address in
your user-startup.
If you are running mosaic on a custom screen on an ECS amiga (like
a 500 or 3000) be sure to select Interleaved using the MUI preferences
for that screen, otherwise the anchor colours will disconnect from the
anchor letters during scrolling in a most ugly manner.
What to do if you finish installation and it doesn't work
Send mail to the AMosaic bugs address
External Viewers
The following software is recommended for external viewing:
AMS to
play Sun ".au" sound files, and to view X-bitmaps.
to play external MOD songs.
to play sun audio files.
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